Dr. Gokula Nanda Chhatria

YRC Councellor,
Pragati Degree College


Youth Red Cross (YRC) is a student-led humanitarian organization that operates under the auspices of the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS). The YRC is active in colleges and universities across India, and its main objective is to encourage and empower young people to play an active role in community service and become agents of change.

As a part of the YRC, college students can participate in a range of activities and programs that focus on health, hygiene, and sanitation, disaster response, and community service. YRC volunteers organize blood donation camps, health camps, and awareness campaigns on various social issues. They are trained in first aid, disaster response, and community service, which enables them to serve their communities in times of need.

By joining the YRC, college students can develop leadership skills, gain practical experience in community service, and make a positive impact on society. The YRC is an excellent platform for students who are passionate about making a difference and want to contribute to the greater good.

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